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Hydro culture

Hydro culture is the culture of plants on a substrate of clay granules. There is no use of pottingsoil. The plant takes its nutriments from the water enriched by nutriment. A watermeter makes it easy to control the level of the water in the reservoir.

ALPINA provides on-site consultation to evaluate all the factors that affect the health of your plants. Our team of experts can help you create a new design and choose the right combination of plants and containers for your (work)space. Update and revitalize your existing plants is also one of the possibilities.

In order to ensure that the plants remain healthy and fresh, we can provide you a maintenance service.

Advantages of hydroculture

  • Plants are free of pests and soil-borne diseases are eliminated.
  • Hydroculture is a clean system. The clay granules are completely clean.
  • Plants can be easily watered (once a month), minimising the chances of drying out or over-watering. A watermeter tells when plants need water.
  • Plants can obtain more oxygen.
  • Non-allergic.

Private and corporate

Hydro culture is not only suitable for corporate business, also for private houses. During your vacation, nobody has to look after the plants.

Do you have questions? Call for more information or personal advice +31 (0) 70 - 346 3400 or mail ln.nipla@srewolf

Flower delivery in the Netherlands

We deliver your flowers in The Hague, Delft, Delfgauw, De Lier, Den Hoorn, 's - Gravenzande, Hoek van Holland, Honselersdijk, Kwintsheul, Leidschendam, Monster, Naaldwijk, Nootdorp, Pijnacker, Poeldijk, Schipluiden, Rijswijk, Ter Heijde, Voorburg, Wassenaar, Wateringen and Zoetermeer

In other places, the local Fleurop florist delivers your bouquet.

Ordered before 13:00 on business days , same day delivery (on Saturday before noon).

Delivery charge

  • The Hague: € 4,95
  • Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht: € 6,95
  • Wadden Islands (excl. Texel): € 21,45
  • Other places in NL: € 6,95
  • Worldwide: € 12,00

Alpina. Methods of Payment: iDeal, Visa, American Express and Eurocard Mastercard Alpina. Methods of Payment: iDeal, Visa, American Express and Eurocard Mastercard

Alpina, Purveyor to the Royal Household, The Hague   Alpina The Hague, your certified sustainable florist, level gold   Alpina is affiliated with Fleurop Interflora


Kneuterdijk 9
2514 EM The Hague
+31(0)70 - 346 3400

KvK The Hague 27012703

BTW nr. NL810577161B01
IBAN: NL17 INGB 0000 0916 70

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