Purest love. Show all your love with this beautiful bouquet of red roses! ‘Red Naomi’ is a beautiful red rose with velvety petals. The length of the roses is ± 60 centimeters. (Excl. vase)
Recent sales: 9
Ordering is still possible. Available for delivery: today
Purest love. Show all your love with this beautiful bouquet of red roses! ‘Red Naomi’ is a beautiful red rose with velvety petals. The length of the roses is ± 60 centimeters. (Excl. vase)
€ 4,75
Purest love. Show all your love with this beautiful bouquet of red roses! ‘Red Naomi’ is a beautiful red rose with velvety petals. The length of the roses is ± 60 centimeters. (Excl. vase)
Recent sales: 9
We will only select the freshest stems (many arranged in bud) and will condition and prepare the flowers to ensure the maximum longevity of your gift.
Due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown in the photo. Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value.